Organizational spirituality addresses the complexities of the organizational landscape. It requires the embodiment of spiritual practices within organizations. As one such spiritual practice, spiritual discernment is closely linked to decision-making, a critical aspect of organizational functioning. However, there is a need to establish a clear link between organizational spirituality and spiritual discernment, as this integration provides a way for organizations to begin their spiritual development. This paper presents a conceptual framework that identifies and clarifies the employee-enabling conditions—such as practical wisdom, appreciation of beauty and excellence, and social intelligence—and explains how these conditions facilitate the practice of spiritual discernment. This study advances the field of organizational spirituality by linking organizational spirituality with spiritual discernment, expanding the understanding of how spirituality can be systematically integrated into decision-making processes, and highlighting the role of employee capabilities in this integration.
Spanish layman's summary:
Este estudio presenta un marco conceptual para integrar el discernimiento espiritual en la toma de decisiones organizacionales, fortaleciendo la espiritualidad en las organizaciones. Resalta condiciones habilitadoras como la sabiduría práctica y las fortalezas de carácter, y propone un modelo que capacita a los empleados para practicar un discernimiento efectivo, promoviendo un desarrollo organizacional más reflexivo, ético y orientado al bien común.
English layman's summary:
This study presents a conceptual framework to integrate spiritual discernment into organizational decision-making, enhancing spirituality within organizations. It highlights enabling conditions such as practical wisdom and character strengths, offering a model that equips employees to practice effective discernment, fostering a more reflective, ethical, and common-good-oriented organizational development.
Keywords: Spiritual discernment; organizational spirituality; character strengths; practical wisdom; decision-making; management; employee spirituality; workplace spirituality
JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 0,700 (2023)
DOI reference:
In press: December 2024.
N.C. Verdugo Rojas, D. Roch Dupré, E. Aracil, Cultivating spirituality in organizations: the role of spiritual discernment. Journal of Management Spirituality & Religion.